Les jardins de Berdis

Les jardins de Berdis


Les jardins de Berdis are an extension of the initial project. This project was born from the sad assessment that most of the fruits we eat have generally no taste and come from very - much too - far.

Once again, our will is to come back to simpler things, to a more natural and healthy fruit production.

The orchard was created on several principles of agroecology, and we hope that we will be able to recreate little ecosystems through this project, help nature to "win its rights" again and show everyone that so many things are possible thanks to much observation and good sense.

We planted almost 1km of bocage hedges all around and in the fruit tree plots. 

The hens eat the insects of the plantations and the Kune Kune pigs graze the weed and dig over the soil, almost on request!

This orchard is made of 32 species and 86 varieties of fruit trees. It is planted on former prairies, on a 1.8 hectares surface. This means that more than 1700 trees and bushes were planted in only one season.

Between our "private" land and the orchard, one ha of woods is also available. The pigs have access to this plot and love looking for acorns and other treats.

2023: Our trees feguin producing. With these crops, the fruit transformations can begin: jams, sirups, fruit jellies (candies): you will find here some sweet souvenirs to bring back from Berdis! 

All our products are organic certified and transformed on the farm.

 Do not hesitate to ask us for tasting / sampling

For any further information, do not hesitate to contact us. You can also check Jeremie's website: https://www.lesjardinsdeberdis.fr